School for Liberation-Focused Healing


Holistic Education to Navigate an Oppressive Mental Health Care System & Co-Create a Therapy That Liberates 

  We guide mental health and healing practitioners in growing from a theoretical understanding of what it means to "decolonize your therapy"  to a practical application of anti-colonial and liberatory ideals in your work and life.  


Practitioners of all levels, committed to the learning journey may engage our guided online curriculum, Decolonizing Therapy for Black Folk to gain an intensive (introductory) course in decolonial praxis.


Mental Health Leaders (Private Practice Owners and Behavioral Health Directors) who are ready to transform their organization are invited to apply for enrollment in our Therapy That Liberates Immersion, a cohort certification experience.


We get real about the barriers to decolonial praxis in bureaucratic institutions and strategize together a path ahead. We know the true work starts within YOU, and we go from there.

We can no longer do this work alone. Get support in self-reflection, and collaborative consultation.

About Your Instructor

Shawna Murray-Browne, Ph.D., LCSW-C

Dr. Shawna Murray-Browne, LCSW-C is a liberation-focused healing practitioner, integrative psychotherapist, QiGong instructor, and consultant. Countless hours at the feet of her elders and over 11 years of clinical experience serving Baltimore's Black women, children, and change-makers, she has been uniquely poised as a expert in racial equity and community healing and a lifelong learner in abolition and decolonial praxis.


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